--Tailgatin' and how to make mofos start playa hatin' (Recipes)
Cold weather is coming and with it so does good smells throughout the house on Sundays. Pork Neckbones were on sale at $.89/lb last week
at a place I stopped into on Central street. Originally just
looking for some veggies I couldn't pass on the chance to make up
some neckbone gravy the next morning which is the perfect time to
let it simmer away with football season back in full swing.
Ingredients (Makes Large Pot Full)
- 3 lbs Pork neckbones
- 1 six lb can of peeled tomatoes (Smashed by hands in a bowl, save juice)
- 2 Cans of Tomato Sauce
- 3 Cans Diced Tomatoes (drained)
- 1 Can of Tomato Paste
- 1/2 can diced anchovies
- 1/2 can diced anchovies
- Red Wine
- Chicken Stock
- Peeled Garlic
- Flour
- Granulated Garlic and Onion
- Olive Oil
- Fresh finely minced Herbs
1) Start off by taking a plate and spreading some flour out on it. Add some granulated garlic and onion powder to the flour and coat each pork neckbone with the dust. Proceed to oil and heat up your pot.
2) When hot add the neckbones a few at a time allowing each one to brown nicely. Once browned remove them from the pot and place aside. Finish each batch until all neckbones are browned.

Browned Pork Neckbones
3) Smash down on 5-6 garlic cloves with the side of your knife
and throw those in the pot for 2-3 minutes and remove. Follow that by
adding half a can of chicken stock and a cup of red wine into the pot
and let it simmer away (make sure pan is hot when poured in).
4) Once some of the liquid has evaporated and you've scraped the black bits at the bottom of the pan than you can add the can of tomato paste into the pot. Let that cook as you move it around for a few minutes.
5) Follow that by adding the big old can of hand smashed tomaotes and all other canned tomato products being used. Follow that by adding the browned pork neckbones into the pot and then add your chopped herbs in and mix them thru.
6) Let simmer for two hours with top of the pan on and then two hours with it off. Be sure to stir now and then. After four hours of simmering remove the pork neckbones from the pot and set aside.
7) Once the neckbones have cooled down remove the meat from the bones and discard the bones. Place the meat in a bowl and chop it down if you want or just let it sit. Make sure to double check the sauce seeing that there are no tiny pieces of bones that fell off .
8) When ready add the pork meat back into the pot and stir. Proceed to serve in your favorite Italian dishes which call for red sauce.
I grew up being taught that there's no such thing as too big a batch of pasta sauce so I was thinking what I could use it with besides pasta since that would be an easy meal for the upcoming week. So I picked up some Yukon gold potatoes, onions and peppers and rode over to Joseph's on Irving Park and got a pound each of their mild and hot Italian sausage. Italian Soulfood for Sunday night dinner was in the works.

Prepping up before eating up
Note: It's best to bake the chunks of potatoes on a well oiled pan in the oven. Cook the sausage in a skillet and follow that with the onions and peppers. Proceed to mix it all up together when ready.

Italian Sausage with Potatoes, Peppers & Onions

Served smothered w/ Neckbone Gravy and Garlic Bread. Roasted banana peppers on top optional.
Italian Sausage with Potatoes, Peppers & Onions

Served smothered w/ Neckbone Gravy and Garlic Bread. Roasted banana peppers on top optional.
See ya next time @chibbqking