So anyone here in Chicago planning on taking the ride down to Indy during Super Bowl Week? What's that you say? You don't have tickets, nowhere to park, no hotel to stay? Hey, Hey, you got me and I got a deal for you. If you ever wanted to experience just the atmosphere and surroundings of what's always one of the biggest weekend events our country has, look no further. Tailgate Charters and The Party Trailer will pick you up in Chicagoland. Drive you down to Indianapolis where you'll get to party in the parking lot (1 mile from stadium) and eat and drink all day until you think you have a shot at sneaking into the Playboy Party. Then after all that, they'll drive your drunk ass back. Who dat you ask? Have you ever wished you could party for a living? Meet the Guy you envy. from Renovation Studios on Vimeo.

Click flyer to enhance for exact details or go HERE
I've done an entire week down at the Super Bowl and anyone else who has knows its a madhouse. Many places are rented out for VIP parties while others have lines down the block and some charge upwards of $500 just to get in. Good luck getting a drink or two when you do. So why waste your time with all that? We'll be living it up large in the parking lot while consuming all the food and drink you can with all sorts of other special events planned and games to play along with people to meet. You never know who might stop by. As far as the food, were not talking frozen beef puck patties and Oscar Meyer wieners. You'll be chowing down on pulled pork, brisket, Championship Chili, sausage from both Chicago and places far away like Texas etc
Cruisin' to Detroit
To give you an idea, some food served alongside the Party Trailer this past Summer/Fall
You hungry yet?
Rock on! Questions? Concerns? Email the Party People
See ya there? If not see ya next time @chibbqking
Just to throw you another comment, since you have zero comments on this wonderful blog...seriously, can you find something else to do with your life? Do you have a job? Might I suggest getting edumacated and becoming a contributing member of society? Thanks. Love the picture of the butch lesbian holding the sign...nice. At least it was a change of pace from the neverending pictures of food. Way to switch things up.
I feel like I owe you an apology. I’m sure you were so excited to have comments on your wonderful and eternally useful blog for the first time ever, only to be disappointed by reading less than glowing comments. I truly feel bad about this. You are providing a great service to America...we have enough social workers, physicians, nurses in this country...people selflessly helping others. What we need more of…is people like you, people that have no real purpose in life, who spend hours beating off into Kleenexes, sticking dildos up their asses, trying unsuccessfully to gain enough flexibility to suck their own dicks, sleeping until noon, and then spending afternoons taking pictures of sandwiches and posting them on a blog. You are a true hero – bringing your own special brand of useless fuckery to the masses. I, along with your zero blog readers, and members of your developmentally disabled family, past, present, and future, salute you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some lunch meat in the fridge that I’ve been dying to take a high quality photograph of...HAHAHAHA. LOSER.
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