My best guess for the number of times passed Bob-O-Rino's would be somewhere near 100. I'd always wondered about this sub shop claiming to make Chicago's best sub. Problem was I never rode by when hungry. However that recently changed with me starving while riding by.
Locals favorite in Portage Park
Now was the time. From the outside it looks like not much has changed since the 70's and the inside is the same way. They let you know they're a classic Chicago style fast food stand with the pop machine which sits in front. It boasts longtime locals favorites like RC Cola and also Green River. Subs are what they're known for here and as is the case with many places both the italian and also the American are most popular. Now and then I like a classic 1970's American style sub and this was one of those days.
American Submarine
If like me you enjoy an old school sub now and again, than like me, you'll probably enjoy Bob-O-Rino's offering. Made with the same ingredients as when Bob first got started this is a very satisfying sandwich for those of us that can find good in old school eats. It's well constructed with fresh bread and it's large, it gets the job done for those looking to fill themselves up around the way.
Old School
Bob-O-Rino's Subs
3435 North Central Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634
(773) 545-7827

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